Sunday, May 15, 2022

Cutting her hair

     She is so much stronger than I am. I had a hard time dealing with her hair falling out. We spent sometime trying to prepare her for it. She has a bald American Doll, given to her by a super close family friend. We’ve talked about it, about what to expect, it’s just hair, it will grow back. Ordered her a halo wig but seriously are you every really prepared for  this? I was not. I didn’t want to talk to anyone because I knew I was struggling…. If that’s how I was feeling, how is she feeling? 
   On Thursday morning, Grace woke up and decided she was tired of having hair all over her and wanted to buzz it.  She seemed so ready. I was not. I kept stalling. I wanted to cry… Everyone says oh you are so strong. That morning, I wasn’t. I just wanted to crawl in bed in the fetal position and cry.  Obviously I didn’t. I couldn’t , but I do have those days. She wanted to listen to Stand by You by Rachel Platten as we cut her hair. We buzzed her hair with the number eight attachment. At first, she was a little nervous but when she realized how much hair was left , she relaxed.  She was so excited with the outcome. She asked when her hair grows back can she have this hair cut again. It is still falling out, and she changing her pillow case almost nightly because of the hair on her pillow case, but the short hair is not as irritating. 

This picture was taken one Thursday.

And this next picture was taken this morning...on Sunday of the same week. 

She is shedding, no huge clumps, just strands of hair every where. Thankfully we can still style her hair to cover the bald spots. I wish I would have thought to take a picture of how incredibly thick her hair was. 

    She had the third dose of chemo on Friday. She has asked for a Zofran once a day. That is it. She wants to eat more bland foods, not greasy stuff, and she is really enjoying the Pediasure Gain and Grow strawberry shakes.  

    We thought we were starting Radiation this past Monday but they didn’t have the mapping plan finished. So we start this Tuesday. 

    We filled out the hospital home bound info for school, the doctor was pretty clear that on the days that Grace feels good she can attend school. So Monday she will go to school. However, it will only be Monday, Tuesday she starts radiation and it will continue Tuesday through Friday, then back again Monday through Wednesday… and sadly Wednesday is the last day of school. So it will be the only day she gets get attend. She is so excited, she has already picked out her outfit. She wants to wear the shirt she received in the mail from a very special family friend. It says  “ Hold my Crown while I finish my chemo.” 

   She is a total trooper.  She doesn’t need to wear the head covers yet, but she is totally comfortable wearing them. I know I’m bias, but she’s totally rocking it!

   I do have a question, if anyone knows… does anyone know how to give this pumpkin the Lovenox shots without bruising her? We put lidocaine on her leg about 15 minutes before giving her the shot so it doesn’t hurt.  She can feel the medicine going in but it doesn’t hurt. This poor girls legs though… the bottom bruise is a mix between a shot and bumping into the table. I just feel so bad. So any ideas ???.

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 Grace is finished with radiation. Yay! We thought it was going to be 3 weeks of 5 days spread out throughout the chemo. However they decide...