Thursday, April 21, 2022

New Prayer request!

   Today we get to celebrate  Grace getting to have something by mouth.  The NPO order was dropped. Now a clear liquid diet is allowed. The desired blue raspberry icee was not the first thing could she have but she was able to finally have one. The doctors wanted her to try sipping on water first. She was also able to keep down some warm chicken broth. 

  AND…. This is the exciting news! She was able to get out bed and walk down the hallway. She has been getting out of bed to go potty, and to sit in a chair but not actually walk far. So we are super proud of her determination. 

   Mia was able to visit Grace today. We entered the room with bags of gifts and activities to keep her busy from friends at the school. As Grace opened the gifts, she said, “ you know that song Happy? That’s how these gifts make me feel.”  Grace was excited to play with her sister. Although Grace was a bit grumpy and didn’t finish either game they started. She was hangry… She doesn’t want chicken broth, she wants chicken nuggets. 

    Grace’s oncologist came in today.   She said they had some of the results back. They are working on a diagnosis of a Wilms Tumor. They don’t know the stage or treatment plan yet. They have one more doctor that needs to look at it, and one more test. Then she said a team of doctors would come in to speak with us…I think she said Thursday…maybe …we are hoping to know as soon as possible so we hear what we want …  It may be Friday.

    When the doctor in the ER mentioned Wilms Tumor that first night, I started doing a little research on it.  Here is the link to American Cancer Society about Wilms Tumor. It has a really good survival for favorable histology….so this is our new prayer request… please please pray that it is has a favorable histology!!!!!!  

This is in the abstract statement from National Library of Medicine..      The letters FA is Focal Anaplastic/ DF is Diffuse Anaplastic  and WT is Wilms Tumor…..  s

So again… I ask that you pray that it has favorable Histology…..

   I have been scrolling my photos to see if there was something I missed. Grace has a solid stomach, she has muscles. She is strong. But for real, how do you miss a 6inch 4x4 tumor? 

Do you see a 6inch 4x4 tumor? 
I have looked and looked.   There a few pictures where it looks like she ate too much. But nothing … absolutely nothing to make me think… oh wow let’s go to the doctor.  However I did take her to the pediatrician on February 2nd for her annual Wellness visit…yes you read that right… WELLNESS visit…. Seriously we only went because she hadn’t seen the doctor in a year because she was NOT Sick…And in February… two and a half months ago…The doctor didn’t see anything either. 

She is strong, not sickly. 


        This girl loves to play.. she rides bikes, climbs trees, jumps on the trampoline…she is a tough cookie. I can’t beat myself up for not seeing it… no one saw it… no one….

So my wonderful prayer warriors… please pray that it is has a favorable histology…. And thank you again for praying for our amazing Grace… I am so grateful for the abundance of support and prayers we are getting, not just for Grace but for the the whole family. Thank you for your kindness. 

1 comment:

  1. Please do not blame yourself for not knowing sooner. It's no ones fault. I will continue to pray for grace and your family. Much love. Kay


 Grace is finished with radiation. Yay! We thought it was going to be 3 weeks of 5 days spread out throughout the chemo. However they decide...