Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Brave like Batman

 We have a lot of things to celebrate today. They removed one IV from Grace. They turned off the epidural  but left the wires in to see if she could handle the pain. She still has a button to push to deliver pain meds through the IV that remains.  Grace only pushed it twice and not even for her stomach, but because her throat hurts. Because she did so awesome handling the pain, they were able to remove the epidural. Yay! Two tubes gone in one day! Whoop whoop!

   The also turned off the suction from the NG tube and are using gravity. If her belly can handle it they will remove the NG. However by the end of the day, they decided to wait another day. So she is still can not eat anything by mouth. She really wants that blue raspberry icee, she mentions it everyday. It is currently 6 am on Wednesday, April 20th, I just got a message from Bill with a picture of a very happy girl without the NG tube…. So now 3 tubes out- 2 more to go! I will post as soon as she gets the blue icee!

   Today was a little emotional for Grace. She felt like she wasn’t being brave because she cried. We explained how being brave is be being fearful and doing it anyways. You can cry and still be brave.    

 There was some crying today , and the statement “ I can’t” came out of her mouth….  so we talked about how Grace is like Batman and how brave he is going to fight Mr. Freeze who is like the cancer . It is Batman’s fight. But Robin (mom and dad) is right there by his side, fighting along beside him. But Robin can’t do it with out Batman. It’s Batman’s fight…if Batman doesn’t fight then Mr. Freeze will take over Gotham City (her body).  I told it’s it’s ok to cry. It’s ok to have a day where you just want to lay in bed and cry… One day though… Then you pick yourself back up and start the fight again.  

   The same goes for me, someone commented, “ I don’t know how you are doing it, I couldn’t”  you know what I couldn’t do? I couldn’t stand by and not give it everything I have. I could not live with myself if I had any regret thinking I wish I would have fought harder. You could and you would.  You might not want to imagine it… You might cry in the shower everyday, …You might beg God to let you trade places with her. But when your child is sick, you don’t give up the fight. You fight until you have given it your all. 

I am truly overwhelmed by the outpouring of support we are getting. I want to thank everyone who has shared these posts asking for prayers for Grace. I truly believe in the power of prayer. Thank you for praying for my amazing Grace. 


  1. You got this grace. You can do it!

  2. Prayers are so so so powerful! They helped my husband get out of the ICU in August with Covid. My daughter, Emma is in class with Grace and we have shared her story and praying so hard! Please let us know if we can do anything else for you! ❤️

  3. Prayers continue for all of you! Thanks for sharing the update!- Mike Barber


 Grace is finished with radiation. Yay! We thought it was going to be 3 weeks of 5 days spread out throughout the chemo. However they decide...