Friday, April 29, 2022

What a week

    On Tuesday, Grace was really struggling with drinking and eating. She had a horrible headache. She started to get dehydrated. They hooked her up to an Iv , gave her some fluids.. and like magic...she was better. She was feeling so much better they decided she could go home. WooHoo!!! They did have to adjust the lovenox dosage ...because she has lost 14lbs. She is down to about 59 pounds now. We also had a little hiccup with getting the needles from the pharmacy ... then all the i's were dotted and all the t's were crossed.. and we were finally able to go home... to a home with a broken air conditioner . We crashed at my moms house( who just got out of rehab on Monday). It was good that I could keep an eye on both of them. Senica Air hooked us up and now our air is running great. 
     Since we have been home, Grace has been able to keep food down. she struggles with drinking enough fluids, and is probably really tired of me telling he to drink. she is eating, but not like before. We both still hate the lovenox shots. I am getting better at giving them. Amazing Grace is becoming more  brave at receiving them,   especially if dad can hold her hand. 

       Remember the shirt, Mrs. Damm made for Mr. Twinkle? Well.. Mrs. Damm has been a wee bit busy… because it seems she didn’t stop. The shirts say Gold aforesaid Grace. It’s purple because purple is Grace’s favorite color. The gold lettering is for childhood cancer. There is also a golden snitch from the Harry Potter series, because she really likes Harry Potter. 

      Grace, Addie Hope and My granddaughter, Alison are all in chorus. They have been practicing songs for the chorus concert for months. Every morning, on the way to school, the girls would be singing their little hearts out in the van. Grace was so upset that she wouldn't be able to sing in the concert. Our amazing school decided to have Grace join her friends singing via zoom. One of the most amazing people ever, stood with the other children singing, holding an ipad so Grace could sing along. It was super sweet. Grace struggled a little bit because the sound was going in and out but she did a great job.... One of the songs is called I was here ....and its a cute song..when the girl swould sing it in the car. I would think how stinkin' cute... but now.. as I listened to Grace sing it...I BAWLED LIKE A BABY... 
    "I want to do something that matters, say something different,something that sets the whole world on its ear, I want to do something better with the time I've given , I want to try to touch a few hearts in this life , if nothing less than something that says I was here." Oh My goodness... this sweet baby fighting cancer sing this song... I want to do something better with the time I've been given... do nothing less than something that says I was here.” .. I’m not crying.. you’re crying… ok for real… I'm still crying. 
        Then they sang a song We're all in this  together... The tears wouldn't stop... and I was trying my best not to distract Grace who is just singing and trying to focus on the songs... So I just told her, I was crying because it's so beautiful...They picked these songs and were singing them for months before Grace was diagnosed... but these songs were so meaningful... The district made a little video .
      Grace had a couple visitors today. She loves seeing people. She hasn't learned yet, that its important to rest, and its ok to let visitors know that she is tired. So we might limit some visits to zoom calls instead until she understands its ok to rest. She read with Mrs. Bonnett (our principal), through zoom. She is just too stinkin cute. Mrs. Bonnett being the amazing person she is , told Grace, I'll listen as long as you want to read. 30 minutes later, Grace was starting chapter 6... LOL...She does love to read... I didn't snap a picture today but we did get one when she came to the hospital to play uno with her.

    I am so thankful and blessed to have such amazing family, friends, and people praying for Grace and the entire family. 

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 Grace is finished with radiation. Yay! We thought it was going to be 3 weeks of 5 days spread out throughout the chemo. However they decide...